The Wholly Rotten Criminal Church - 08
In our previous posts we have consistently been calling the Catholic Church a criminal organization. Are we justified in doing so, or is this mere emotion talking?
Organized crime:
Crime committed by groups engaged in planned and sustained criminal activities.
The people and the groups involved in such criminal activities.

Paul Marcinkus, Catholic archbishop, head of the Vatican Bank from 1971 to 1989 and director of Banco Ambrosiano's Nassau (Bahamas) branch. Whatever knowledge he may have had of the financial scandals surrounding the bankruptcy of his bank, the murder of Roberto Calvi or the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, daughter of Vatican Bank employee Ercole Orlandi went to the grave with him.
In the USA, The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) (18 U.S.C.A. § 1961 et seq.) is the centerpiece of the Organized Crime Control Act. RICO is a group of statutes that define and set punishments for organized crime. The act's provisions apply to any enterprise that engages in Racketeering activity. Racketeering is the act of engaging in a pattern of criminal offenses. Below is a list of offenses that constitute racketeering when committed more than once. The right column indicates whether the Catholic Church has been involved or is involved in the listed forms of crime.

Attributes of the Wholly Rotten Crime Conglomerate
Based on its sources, Wikipedia mentions the Cosa Nostra as the largest organized crime force in the United States. That would only be true as long as you exclude formal social institutions like the Catholic Church, although Wikipedia leaves open the possibility that churches “may sometimes use organized-crime methods to conduct their activities”. In the case of the Catholic Church it is clear however that
it not merely uses organized crime methods sometimes: it does so frequently and consistently;
that the “activities it conducts” are in fact illegal and criminal acts and
that it considers itself to be above the law of any country but Vatican City, implying
that it does not need or intends to follow the laws of any country, or only follows the law if that doesn't impede its maintenance of power.
“The size and hereditary makeup of many enterprises make them capable of surviving the arrest and imprisonment of numerous members. Many organized crime participants are careful, efficient, and professional criminals, making them difficult to apprehend.
Another reason organized crime is so durable is that the participants are extremely dedicated. The group looks after its own and there are serious consequences of betrayal. Members of organized crime groups often take an oath of allegiance.”
The investigation of thousands of child abuse cases all over the world, the hundreds of court cases that have resulted from them and the increasing number of convictions have all made it clear, that the above two attributes are applicable to the Catholic Church. It is clear that child abuse is not only a crime committed by some of the members of the HRCC, but a systemic problem which the Catholic Church as an organization has been covering up. Even faced with criminal investigations, it still chose to obstruct justice and law enforcement, ranging from victim intimidation or witness intimidation, attempts of bribery to destruction of evidence or aiding and abetting wanted criminals.
Should criminals be punished for their crimes?
Should a criminal organization be allowed to continue to operate? Should the Catholic Church be exempt of prosecution for the thousands of crimes it committed, or the felonies it reserves itself to have the right to? Whether it committed those crimes 300 times or 3,000 times is not even the issue anymore. The promise of the HRCC’s Führer to no longer commit any crimes, doesn’t undo those crimes, or warrant that all investigations or attempts to bring the criminals to justice should simply be given up. A murderer should not be granted immunity to criminal prosecution simply because he says he will not murder anymore.
The Catholic Church – or religious leaders in general – show how two-faced they really are when it comes to accountability. In their eyes, all humans are sinners (“criminal”) and deserve to go to hell (“sentenced to death”). In their despotic, arbitrary justice system, god is the accuser, judge, jury and executioner all in one. The defendant does not have the right to an attorney, nor would there be a need to one as the defendant is simply guilty by default. No matter who the accused is, the verdict is always: “Guilty.” No matter what the crimes may have been, the sentence is always: “Death.”
The entire construct of Christianity is based on the hearsay accounts of a few reporters. This is all the Catholic Church has to claim its authority on. But when a Catholic bishop is accused of raping a child or when a Catholic priest kills 2,000 people, all of a sudden the Catholic Church claims that the accused have the right to a fair trial. It appeals to the need for evidence and dismisses the sufficiency of witness testimony of the victim to pronounce a guilty verdict. It relies on manmade statutes of limitations to escape its accountability or shields accused from investigation by hiding behind the manmade Lateran Pacts and the immunity it granted to citizens of Vatican City. It hires lawyers to defend the accused, psychologists to discredit witnesses’ credibility or it appeals to the legal protection of privacy for convicted child rapists.

Another spokesman for the superiority of Christian morals, Dinesh D'Souza is taking the stage again, after being convicted for fraud but pardoned by president Donald Trump. His felony consisted of using straw men to illegally finance political campaigns, just as his debate tactics make ample use of straw man argumentation. The advocate of biblical morality was caught in adultery in 2012. He likes to make fun of traumatic events, like mass murder at school shootings and enjoys mocking survivors thereof. To be fair, Dinesh no longer calls himself a Catholic. He is now a non-denominational hypocrite.
While it may not be a crime in a legal sense, the unfathomable hypocrisy of the Catholic Church is its most disgusting attribute. If we repeat our question whether the Catholic Church is a criminal organization, then the answer is short and simple:
YES. The Holy Roman Catholic Church is a criminal organization.
Richard Dalet PHD, David aPHD, 25 January 2022
Notes, sources, references:
Citations and definitions retrieved from: West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. (2008) [The Free Dictionary], a.“Organized crime”, The Free Dictionary by Farlex, Consulted on 13 January 2022, 14 January 2022 and 16 January 2022. b.“Organized crime”, Legal dictionary, The Free Dictionary by Farlex, Consulted on 13 January 2022, 14 January 2022 and 16 January 2022
Wikipedia, “Organized crime”,
Wikipedia, “Holy Orders in the Catholic Church”,
James Carroll, "Abolish the priesthood", June 2019 issue, the Atlantic
Paul Casimir Marcinkus. Unknown author,, public domain Retrieved from Wikipedia, “Paul Marcinkus”,
Dinesh D’Souza, photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez, Getty Images, Retrieved from: John Wagner, “Trump tweets he will pardon pundit Dinesh D'Souza for campaign finance conviction” 31 May 2018, the Washington Post, “D'Souza, an author and filmmaker, was indicted on charges that he illegally used straw donors to contribute to a Republican Senate candidate in New York in 2012. He was sentenced to five years of probation, including eight months living under supervision in a "community confinement center" in San Diego, and a $30,000 fine.”
David Sessions, “Dinesh D’Souza Resigns Presidency of The King’s College”, 14 July 2017, the Daily Beast,
Reid Nakamura, “Even Conservatives Denounce Dinesh D’Souza After He Mocks Parkland School Shooting Survivors”, 20 February 2018, the Wrap,